music, the most incredible language.
I was blessed with musical blood and it drives me to live. To seek truth. To feel sadness. To understand loss. To teach the unknown. To accept failure. To praise justice. To express. To trust. And most of all to love. I continue to compose my story and want to share it with you.
I thank you all for being a part of my journey.
“Feeling Good” - Sara Routh (ft. Gyasi Ross)
“One Last Tear” - Sara Routh
“Routh’s work manages to catch you in time and make your world stop for a little bit. Her lyrics are good; she is clever and clearly writes from her heart. But it is that voice and the way she makes it dip and dive and swirl around your head like a half-remembered dream that make Black Sheep worth your time and effort.”
— Chad Taylor, Sound Check, City View, Des Moines, IA
some other happenings.
Sara Routh is the Mentor of the Year
Since moving back to Des Moines in 2014, musician Sara Routh immediately found her heart’s place in teaching and inspiring Des Moines’ young musicians. Through working and volunteering at countless music organizations (City Voices, Central Iowa Music Lab, Girls Rock! Des Moines, and Des Moines Music Coalition just to name a few…), Sara passionately believes in the importance of music education to empower our youth with the ability to express themselves and hone their skills in creative thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Sara Routh Soars With Her Sophomore Album.
Her long-awaited sophomore album, Black Sheep, was released on September 24, 2015, featuring five songs that firmly place Routh in the folk and alt country genre. Ingeniously produced by Los Angeles producer Damian Fink and recorded at Thud Studio in North Hollywood, Black Sheep is a raw, emotion-packed journey inspired by Routh’s world travels.
LA Music Critic Award Winners Announced
The LA Music Critic Awards wishes to thank the fans of indie music. Through the previous five years of nominations, this has been the most successful and eagerly followed set yet. More than 2,000 fans viewed the nominations …

Contact me.
Would you like to book me for a show? How about making arrangements for a house concert? Reach out with your favorite recipes… I wanna hear from you!